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Insights and wisdom of Andrew Wellington shared at the WOB Xmas Lunch

As a Board Chair, there is nothing I value more than an opportunity to hear from giants.
Or….as was the case yesterday….a LION.

At yesterday’s Women on Boards Christmas lunch in Brisbane, we were treated to the insights and wisdom of Andrew Wellington, Chair Brisbane Lions AFL Club.

He shared his perspective on the role of Boards in providing social commentary on issues that more frequently divide, rather than unify, our communities.

AND he offered us a peek into the growth story behind the AFLW.

As a sports fanatic, I was like a kid staring through the window of a chocolate shop. Hopefully I didn’t drool too much.

What were my takeouts?
– Any public position a Board takes must be underpinned by genuine commitment and advocacy – your colleagues, the organisation and the broader community will not buy into virtue signaling.
– Consultation and communication are critical in the process of developing and articulating a public position.
– Talent, conviction, and commitment have led to the Lion’s women’s team playing in 5 of 7 grand finals – AND….in case you’ve been living under a rock!….WIN last weekend’s grand final.

All lessons that apply outside of the Boardroom as much as inside.

Thank you Women on Boards and Anna Hebron for hosting another superb event.

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