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3 Reasons why it’s ok to KISS your customers

To state the bleeding obvious, since COVID our customers & clients have changed the way they buy.

And when customer behaviour shifts, our communication systems swiftly need to adapt. In this video, I share why simplicity is the key to customer acquisition & retention.

I’m working off a Harvard Business Review study that (I discovered after reading it) came out in 2012.

Would it still be relevant 8 years – and a global pandemic – later? You bet.

Among 40 “stickiness factors” they studied, researchers discovered decision simplicity was the killer. The KISS principle is alive & well in designing brands that glue customers to your business.

3 elements make it simple for customers to buy from you:

  1. NAVIGATION: How easy it is for customers to gather & understand information about your brand?
  2. TRUST: How credible is the information they find?
  3. WEIGHT: How easily they can assess options?

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